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Meet the Horses



A blue roan appaloosa, Blue, is a sight to see. Born in 2009, he is one of our lesson horses. Come see this handsome devil in person.



Pongo, a 2011 paint, is a puppy dog who loves to lick you. He was an instant lesson favorite!

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Queen is a retired thoroughbred racehorse who was born in 2002. She earned over 160,000 dollars on the track before retiring. She is known for her gentle soul and great looks. She is friends with Mona.



Cheerio is a special pony. Born in 2008, we acquired him a few years ago as a sale horse. Then, in late 2021 he became an official part of our family as a school horse. Welcome back, buddy!

Roxie, a quarter horse mare


Roxie is a 2012 registered paint. She is our tried and true school horse. She is a trustworthy mount.



Our newest lesson horse, Banjo, was purchased in 2022. He is an appaloosa, born in 2008.



A welsh/thoroughbred cross, Thumbelina was a wonderful unexpected sales acquisition at a horse show in early 2021. Her petite frame matched with her athleticism has made her a barn favorite.


Coco Puff "Puffy"

Puffy is a rescue - his earliest home was feeding him table scraps, including meat. He is trained to ride and to pull a small cart. He is our resident trick or treater. When he is not going about town, he is used in short stirrup, pony rides, and for young beginners. He was born in 2005 and he is a dwarf miniature horse. He is best friends with Ranger.

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Waldo "DoDo"

Waldo is an unregistered American Warmblood - a shire/thoroughbred cross and was born in 2005. He is our big boy, standing at over 18 hands high. He has the lovable draft personality with the athleticism of the thoroughbred.



Echo, our trainer's special project, was born in 2009. He thinks he is quite the ladies' man and loves to impress everyone with his jumping. He is a POA and Kelly's personal horse. He is used for intermediate/advanced lesson students. Fun Fact: He has won multiple high jumps!



Bingo is a POA who was rescued in early 2021. Bingo's best friend is Blue. We are working slowly with Bingo for him to trust humans again.


Curious George

Loved by all for his looks, Curious George is a younger gelding. Born in 2015, he is green. He started his training in late 2020. Our advanced riders love to exercise him. Fun Fact: His best friend is Henry.



Mister Henry, our retired appaloosa, was born in 2006. He hurt his eye in 2014 and can't see much on his left side. He is very sweet and loves to follow you around the pasture.



Mona is our pasture pony. She is a retired show horse. She is a thoroughbred, originally going to be used as a polo pony. She loves going fast and kicking up her heels. She was born in 2003 and is retired due to chronic lameness issues. She has always been a Russian Roulette ride and you would know to be worried if she squealed. That meant you were in for quite a ride!

Over the Top Equine

(630) 853-4280

36W982 Crane Road

St. Charles, IL 60175


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